Local News

GP Police Arrested Man on Local Warrants during Downtown Patrol Check
Grants Pass Police arrested a man on two local warrants in the downtown area this week. According to the Police Department, officers contacted 39-year-old Matthew Richard Williams during a patrol check at the corner of NW 6th and A streets on Thursday morning. Police said they spotted Williams whom they recognized from previous criminal encounters. They said he was wanted on two Grants Pass warrants for failing to appear in court for 2nd-Degree Criminal Mischief and two counts of Disorderly Conduct. After the warrants were confirmed, Williams was placed into custody without incident. He was lodged at the Josephine County Jail where he was being held without bail.
Posted on 10/26/24 6:11AM by Sam Marsh

Multi-Vehicle Crash in Downtown Cave Junction Sends One to Local Hospital
One person was injured in a multi-vehicle crash in downtown Cave Junction yesterday. On Friday at 12:28 p.m., the Illinois Valley Fire District and American Medical Response were dispatched to the four-vehicle pileup in the 200-block of North Redwood Highway. Few details were available about the accident, but IVFD officials said one person required transportation to a local medical facility. No one else was seriously hurt. Jerry's Towing responded to remove the vehicles involved in the accident while clearing the highway. The cause of the accident was being investigated by the Oregon State Police.
Posted on 10/26/24 6:07AM by Sam Marsh

ODFW Seeking Public Assistance in Finding Two Hogs in North Valley Area
The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife was seeking public assistance in locating two runaway hogs in the North Valley area. The ODFW reported two large hogs were spotted around the Manzanita Rest Area off Interstate 5 on Wednesday. The state agency said it believes the animals may have escaped from a farm in the Merlin-Hugo area. According to Oregon Statutes, no one who owns or is entitled to possess a hog can let it run at large or upon the property of another person. A rancher has 72 hours to notify officials that their hogs have escaped and they must be actively trying to capture them. If the rancher fails to meet these requirements, the hogs can be legally hunted on public lands or killed by private landowners who own the land on which the hogs are trespassing. Domestic hogs running free are considered an invasive species in Oregon. They reproduce quickly and can destroy fish and wildlife habitat. Anyone who spots the runaway hogs should call Josephine County Animal Control at (541)-474-5123 or the ODFW's Central Point office at (541)-826-8774.
Posted on 10/26/24 6:05AM by Sam Marsh

GP 911 Communications Center Fielded Hundreds of EM Calls in Past Week
The Grants Pass 9-1-1 Communications Center fielded hundreds of calls and redirected them to emergency first responders over the past week. According to the 9-1-1 Dispatch Center's weekly post on Facebook, dispatchers received a total of 1,107 emergency calls between October 17th and 23rd. The Grants Pass Police Department was once again the recipient of the bulk of those calls with 1,005 followed by American Medical Response with 278 and Grants Pass Fire & Rescue with 112. Rural Metro Fire Department received 60 9-1-1 calls while the Oregon Department of Forestry received 22, the Illinois Valley Fire District received 21, the Williams Rural Fire Protection District received 5 and the Wolf Creek Rural Fire Protection District got 2. Dispatchers also received a total of 524 internal calls and they made 580 outbound calls. Do you know someone with good multi-tasking skills, who is calm and cool under pressure, able to relate to people at any level and wants to make a difference? The Grants Pass 9-1-1 Communications Center wants to know them, too.
Posted on 10/26/24 6:03AM by Sam Marsh
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OR Financial Help to Meet Domestic Violence Survivors' Safety Needs Rises
Domestic violence survivors are now able to receive up to $3,200 for assistance with safety-related needs including moving. Previously, financial help for domestic violence survivors was capped at $1,200 within a 90-day period. This support may be used for items such as deposits for rent or utilities; replacing items left behind such as clothing or furniture; new locks, security cameras or alarms; and a post office box. The Oregon Department of Human Services is implementing the increase this month after receiving a one-time investment from the Oregon Legislature to raise the maximum grant amount for Temporary Assistance for Domestic Violence Survivors (TA-DVS). Families and pregnant women receiving TA-DVS on or after August 11th will be given access to the increased grant amount to support their safety and stability. Individuals may apply for this support by phone, in person or by submitting an application. For more information on how to apply, got to "oregon.gov/odhs/dv." ODHS also provides confidential domestic violence advocates in most of its Self-Sufficiency programs and Child Welfare offices throughout the state.
Posted on 10/26/24 6:01AM by Sam Marsh
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Child Sexual Predator Who Eluded Capture in Idaho has Ties to Southern Oregon
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A fugitive with ties to the Southern Oregon region is on the run after eluding capture this week in Idaho. The Jackson County Sheriff's Office reports 42-year-old Christian Bert Fischer is wanted in Florida for Traveling to Meet a Minor After Use of a Computer to Lure a Child. The Hernando County Crime Stoppers of Florida is offering up to a $5,000 reward for information directly leading to the arrest of Fischer who eluded authorities in Idaho on Tuesday. Fischer is described as a white male, 5-feet-10-inches tall and 200 pounds, with blonde hair and blue eyes. He is also known to dress like a woman. Before heading to Idaho, Fischer was in the Portland area. This past summer, he was in Ashland, Wolf Creek and at Lake of the Woods. US Marshals Service (USMS) task forces throughout the country have joined the search, including the local Pacific Northwest Violent Offender Task Force. The task force includes personnel from the US Marshals Service, Jackson County Sheriff's Office and Central Point Police Department. If you have any information on the whereabouts of Christian Fischer, contact the local US Marshals Service Office at (541)-776-4277, the USMS Communication Center at 1-(800)-336-0102 or USMS Tips at "usmarshals.gov/tips."
Posted on 10/26/24 5:58AM by Sam Marsh
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Oregon State Marine Board Opens Upper Rogue River Rulemaking for Consideration
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The Oregon State Marine Board has opened consideration of rulemaking for the Upper Rogue River. At its quarterly meeting this week, the Marine Board discussed the public comments received during its October 2nd Upper Rogue River Work Session in Medford. Staff provided marine law enforcement data and offered rule language for consideration including redefining the section of the Upper Rogue to align with the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife's fishing regulations and to also include Rogue River tributaries. Other recommendations include a motor restriction of over 10 horsepower which is consistent with Coast Guard regulations. Staff also recommended provisions specific to commercial jet boat operations along with provisions that allow law enforcement and search and rescue to be exempt from these regulations while conducting official business. The Board approved opening rulemaking for the Upper Rogue River to gather comments on the proposed rule language. Agency staff will open a written public comment period in addition to scheduling a rule hearing in a similar format to the October 2nd Work Session in Medford. Comments will then be presented to the Board at its January 2025 meeting.
Posted on 10/26/24 5:56AM by Sam Marsh
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Red Cross Blood Drives Open Next Week at Rogue Community College Campuses
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Rogue Community College is partnering with the American Red Cross to host a series of blood drives across its campuses next week that are open to all members of the community. With a current blood shortage impacting hospitals nationwide, RCC is joining the effort to help replenish supplies and save lives. The RCC blood drives will take place on Tuesday in Grants Pass from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Student Center on the Redwood Campus at 3345 Redwood Highway, on Wednesday in White City from 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. in the A Building on the Table Rock Campus at 7800 Pacific Avenue, and on Thursday in Medford from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Higher Education Center on the Riverside Campus at 101 South Bartlett Street. The American Red Cross is facing a national blood shortage, with someone in the US needing blood every two to three seconds. Donors are encouraged to schedule their appointments in advance by visiting "RedCrossBlood.org" or by calling 1-(800)-RED-CROSS. Walk-ins are also welcome.
Posted on 10/26/24 5:54AM by Sam Marsh
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ODFW Seeking Public Assistance in Finding Two Hogs in North Valley Area
The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife was seeking public assistance in locating two runaway hogs in the North Valley area. The ODFW reported two large hogs were spotted around the Manzanita Rest Area off Interstate 5 on Wednesday. The state agency said it believes the animals may have escaped from a farm in the Merlin-Hugo area. According to Oregon Statutes, no one who owns or is entitled to possess a hog can let it run at large or upon the property of another person. A rancher has 72 hours to notify officials that their hogs have escaped and they must be actively trying to capture them. If the rancher fails to meet these requirements, the hogs can be legally hunted on public lands or killed by private landowners who own the land on which the hogs are trespassing. Domestic hogs running free are considered an invasive species in Oregon. They reproduce quickly and can destroy fish and wildlife habitat. Anyone who spots the runaway hogs should call Josephine County Animal Control at (541)-474-5123 or the ODFW's Central Point office at (541)-826-8774.
Posted on 10/25/24 11:28AM by Sam Marsh
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GP Police Jailed Man for Probation Violation after He was Found with Drugs
Grants Pass Police jailed a man for violating his probation after his corrections officer found him to be in possession of narcotics late yesterday. The Police Department reports officers arrested 25-year-old Alex Ushaiah Tallman near the corner of NW Savage Street and Conklin Avenue at 5:34 p.m. Thursday. Police said that Tallman's corrections officer detained him after finding him to be in possession of a white powdery substance suspected to be methamphetamine. A field test confirmed the substance was meth and the suspect was arrested. Tallman was lodged at the Josephine County Jail for Meth Possession and the resulting Probation Violation related to a recent arrest for Menacing and Reckless Endangering of a Highway Worker. He was being held on a no-bail detainer.
Posted on 10/25/24 11:26AM by Sam Marsh
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GP Police Arrested Man on Local Warrants during Downtown Patrol Check
Grants Pass Police arrested a man on two local warrants in the downtown area early yesterday. According to the Police Department, officers contacted 39-year-old Matthew Richard Williams during a patrol check at the corner of NW 6th and A streets on Thursday around 7:30 a.m.. Police said they spotted Williams whom they recognized from previous criminal encounters. They said he was wanted on two Grants Pass warrants for failing to appear in court for 2nd-Degree Criminal Mischief and two counts of Disorderly Conduct. After the warrants were confirmed, Williams was placed into custody without incident. He was lodged at the Josephine County Jail where he was being held without bail.
Posted on 10/25/24 11:25AM by Sam Marsh
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GP Police Snared Man on Three Local Warrants in Downtown Patrol Check
Grants Pass Police arrested a man on three local warrants during another downtown patrol check that occurred early today. The Police Department reports officers contacted 31-year-old Kody Tyler Halverson near the corner of SE 7th and M Streets at 3:25 this morning. Police said they observed Halverson walking west on M Street and they knew he was wanted on three Grants Pass warrants for failing to appear in court on one count of 3rd-Degree Theft and three counts of 2nd-Degree Criminal Trespass. Halverson was detained outside Rogue Credit Union. Once his identity and the warrants were confirmed, he was placed into custody. Halverson was lodged at the Josephine County Jail on $15,000 bail.
Posted on 10/25/24 11:24AM by Sam Marsh
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