Grants Pass Police Department Busy Patrolling City Parks on Wednesday
The Grants Pass Police Department was busy patrolling city parks on Wednesday. At Kesterson Park, officers arrested a man wanted on a Douglas County warrant for failing to appear in court for Larceny and Petty Theft. He was cited and then released. Another man was cited for Scattering Rubbish. A total of 11 campsites were posted and an e-mail was sent to the United Community Action Network. At Riverside Park, one woman was cited for Inoperable Vehicle while another woman was cited for Misuse of Open Space and issued a 30-day exclusion. A tent and items belonging to a third woman were removed from the park and disposed of when numerous drug paraphernalia items were observed in plain view. A total of 13 campsites were posted and an e-mail was sent to UCAN. At Baker Park, two men nodding off on a bench were cited for Possession of Fentanyl and trespassed for 30 days. A man and woman were cited for Scattering Rubbish and Illegal Camping after they failed to remove their previously posted campsite. They were also trespassed for 30 days. Another man was cited for Misuse of Open Space and Scattering Rubbish. He was also trespassed. A total of 15 campsites were posted for Illegal Camping and an e-mail was sent to UCAN. At Fruitdale Park, a woman was cited for Possession of Fentanyl and she was issued a 30-day exclusion. Another woman was warned for Buffer Zone Violation, Dog Off Leash and No Dog License. She agreed to leave the park until her dog is properly licensed. Three campsites were posted and an e-mail was sent to UCAN.
Posted on 6/13/24 11:36AM by Sam Marsh