Local News

Thermal Imaging Cameras Carried by Firefighters Help Save Lives & Property
The Thermal Imaging Camera (TIC) is a common tool carried by local firefighters to help save lives and property. It provides the ability to detect unseen heat. Rural Metro Fire officials said the TIC is critical when looking for injured or trapped people in zero visibility such as dark or smoky conditions. Used not only inside burning structures, the TIC has helped locate vehicle crash victims who have been ejected into the brush and even scared pets who have run off due to a traumatic event. Law enforcement and search & rescue teams often use a TIC to search for missing or fleeing objects in dark conditions. Officials said the ability to use the TIC to locate hidden fire behind walls, ceilings and even flooring has led to quickly stopping fire spread, ultimately preventing thousands of dollars in property loss.
Posted on 5/7/24 5:57AM by Sam Marsh

Pacific Power Hosting Customer Forum on Wildfire Mitigation in Central Point Today
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Pacific Power is hosting a public forum in Central Point today to discuss its latest efforts to mitigate the threat of wildfire. The public forum is scheduled from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. in the Mace Watchable Wildlife Memorial Center at the Jackson County Expo. The forum will also be livestreamed at "us06web.zoom.us." During this conversation, Pacific Power representatives will detail the important steps they take during wildfire season to keep customers and communities safe. This forum is an opportunity to learn about the company's comprehensive wildfire mitigation plans in Oregon. Key topics include ongoing efforts to strengthen their system, advance weather monitoring capabilities, enhanced vegetation management practices, enhanced safety setting for wildfire season and Public Safety Power Shutoffs -- an important tool when wildfire risk makes it necessary to turn off power to ensure safety. Pacific Power officials said protecting their customers and communities while providing safe, reliable electricity is their highest priority. If you have any questions or would like to request a reasonable accommodation to attend this event, please call 1-(888)-221-7070.
Posted on 5/7/24 5:55AM by Sam Marsh

Public Invited to Share Thoughts on Draft Plan for Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument
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The Bureau of Land Management is inviting the public to share their thoughts about the draft management plan for the Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument. The BLM will host one virtual and three in-person public meetings on the proposed plan. The virtual meeting will feature an overview of the draft plan and a summary of the alternatives and analysis. The in-person meetings will be an open house format, where members of the public will be able to meet with specialists to learn more about the draft plan and provide substantive comments. The virtual meeting will be held Wednesday from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.. To register, visit "bit.ly/CSNMdraft." In-person meetings will occur on May 14th from 5 to 7 p.m. at the Medford Armory, May 16th from 5 to 7 p.m. at Klamath Community College and May 18th from 1 to 3 p.m. at Pinehurst School near Ashland. The BLM's Draft Resource Management Plan will consolidate management of the Cascade-Siskiyou National Monument, providing consistency for land managers and the public. The monument is currently managed under three separate plans. Interested parties may also submit written comments to the BLM by July 5th.
Posted on 5/7/24 5:53AM by Sam Marsh

GP Chamber of Commerce Bringing Back "Lemonade Day" Program This Summer
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The Grants Pass & Josephine County Chamber of Commerce is bringing "Lemonade Day" back in 2024. Last year, over 300 local kids participated. Lemonade Day will be Friday, August 2nd, from 3 to 6 p.m. in Grants Pass. Lemonade stands will be placed all over town where these young entrepreneurs will be selling their final product. Prizes will be given for the best product and most creative lemonade stand. Participants will also have a chance to be entered into a drawing for a $100 gift card. Throughout the course of this free program, these young entrepreneurs learn how to start, own and operate their own business -- a lemonade stand. They will learn business skills, financial literacy, goal-setting and teamwork. As in previous years, the Chamber will be partnering with the Boys & Girls Club to host a Resource Fair. The fair will provide helpful tips and booths on topics such as customer service, budget and financial assistance, creating a product, choosing a stand location, and answering any questions. Registration for Lemonade Day opened May 1st and closes June 21st. Register now at "lemonadeday.org/grants-pass."
Posted on 5/7/24 5:40AM by Sam Marsh
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GP Police Jailed "Mushrooming Man" for Causing Disturbance at Downtown Bar
Grants Pass Police jailed a man for causing a weekend disturbance at a downtown watering hole while under the influence of "magic mushrooms." The Police Department reports officers arrested the 49-year-old male subject for the incident at River City Grill on SE K Street on Saturday around 9:50 p.m.. Police said a female caller reported the man was at the bar causing a disturbance after he consumed psilocybin mushrooms. The caller said he was clearly unable to care for himself as he was arguing with customers and threatening to fight them for no reason. He was also hallucinating and unable to hold a conversation with police. The suspect was advised he was under arrest, but he refused to comply with lawful orders and made threats toward officers while posturing aggressively. He was eventually subdued and placed into custody without injuries. The suspect -- who was identified as a worker at the business -- was lodged at the Josephine County Jail on charges of Menacing and Resisting Arrest. He was being held without bail.
Posted on 5/6/24 11:17AM by Sam Marsh
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Police Snared Man for Causing Public Alarm with Baseball Bat at Growers Market
Police arrested a man for causing public alarm while wielding a baseball bat near the Grants Pass Growers Market. Grants Pass Police responded to the incident at the corner of NW 4th and F streets on Saturday at about 8:45 a.m.. Police said the 47-year-old male subject was causing public alarm by swinging a baseball bat and hitting food trucks in the area of the growers market. One caller advised the man was yelling at anyone who looked at him while hitting trees and the ground with the bat. Fortunately, there were no injuries reported. Damage to the food trucks was not disclosed. Officers placed the man into custody and discovered that he was wanted on a GPPD warrant for Failure to Report as a Convicted Sex Offender. The suspect was lodged at the Josephine County Jail on the warrant and for Disorderly Conduct. He was being held without bail.
Posted on 5/6/24 11:16AM by Sam Marsh
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GP Police Arrested Man for Stealing from Walmart & Hiding at Shopping Center
Grants Pass Police arrested a man for stealing merchandise from Walmart over the weekend. According to the Police Department, officers responded to a shoplifting complaint at the store on NE Terry Lane on Saturday at 3:15 p.m.. Police said the 36-year-old male subject entered Walmart and concealed more than $109 worth of items in his backpack. They said he was detained by loss prevention officers, but was uncooperative and left the scene in a white Dodge pickup. The suspect vehicle was located a short time later at the Grants Pass Shopping Center. The manager at Famous Footwear called in and advised that the theft suspect had just exited that store and left a change of clothes inside. The man was found hiding in a restroom at Rite Aid. He refused to identify himself, but admitted the clothes in Famous Footwear were his, so he was placed into custody. The suspect was lodged at the Josephine County Jail for 2nd-Degree Theft and he was being held without bail.
Posted on 5/6/24 11:14AM by Sam Marsh
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GP Teenager Arrested for Felony Assault & DUII after Williams Highway Crash
A Grants Pass teenager was arrested for felony assault and impaired driving after he crashed into another vehicle on Williams Highway near Murphy. The Oregon State Police reports troopers and emergency personnel responded to the two-vehicle collision at milepost 5 of Highway 238 near Glenwood Street on Saturday at 2:14 p.m.. Troopers said witness statements and evidence at the scene indicated the 18-year-old boy was driving a Dodge Dakota when he rear-ended a Ford Ranger driven by a 68-year-old Murphy man who was slowing to turn into a driveway. According to OSP, the driver of the Ford was immediately transported to Three Rivers Medical Center with non-life-threatening injuries. The driver of the Dodge showed indicators of impairment and performed poorly in field sobriety tests, so he was placed into custody and taken to the hospital for a legal blood draw. Following the investigation, the young motorist was cited to appear in court for Driving Under the Influence of Intoxicants and 3rd-Degree Assault. He sustained minor injuries in the crash and was released to the care of hospital staff. Both vehicles sustained heavy damage from the collision and were towed away.
Posted on 5/6/24 11:13AM by Sam Marsh
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OSP Nabbed Three Motorists for DUII Over the Weekend in Josephine County
The Oregon State Police arrested three other motorist for impaired driving in Josephine County over the weekend. According to OSP, state troopers pulled over a Ford F-250 driven by a 35-year-old Grants Pass man near the intersection of Allen Creek and West Harbeck roads on Friday at 9:37 p.m.. Troopers said they stopped the pickup for a traffic violation and the driver appeared to be impaired. After performing poorly in sobriety tests, he was taken to the Grants Pass Sobering Center where he provided a breath sample exceeding the legal driving limit. The second incident occurred on Sunday at 12:23 a.m. when troopers pulled over a Dodge Durango driven by a 44-year-old Cave Junction woman on Caves Highway near Laurel Road. Troopers said they stopped the pickup for a traffic violation and the driver displayed signs of impairment. She performed poorly in sobriety tests and was taken to the Sobering Center where she provided a breath sample that was more than twice the legal driving limit. The third incident happened on Sunday at 12:11 p.m. when troopers pulled over a GMC Sierra driven by a 59-year-old woman in the southbound lanes of Interstate 5 near milepost 64. Troopers said they received multiple driving complaints on the suspect vehicle, which they located on the shoulder of the freeway. The woman -- who showed signs of impairment -- said she ran out of gas. She performed poorly in sobriety tests and was taken to the Sobering Center where she provided a breath sample that was more than twice the legal limit.
Posted on 5/6/24 11:11AM by Sam Marsh
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OSP Cited Motorist Who Crashed Vehicle on Highway 238 near Water Gap Road
The Oregon State Police cited a motorist who crashed his vehicle on Williams Highway in the northern Applegate Valley. OSP reports troopers and emergency crews responded to a single-vehicle accident on Highway 238 near Water Gap Road on Saturday around 8:30 a.m.. Troopers said the 25-year-old driver of a Dodge Durango was driving too fast for the conditions and wrecked his vehicle with a trailer in tow. No one was injured. According to OSP, the driver was issued several traffic citations after the wreck. Bulldog Towing responded to pull the pickup and trailer out of the mud. Neither was towed and state property damage was reported to the Oregon Department of Transportation.
Posted on 5/6/24 11:09AM by Sam Marsh
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Search and Rescue Teams Looking for Mushroom Hunter at Lake of the Woods
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Search and rescue teams from Jackson and Klamath counties were looking for a Ruch man who went missing while hunting for mushrooms near Lake of the Woods. In a Saturday afternoon press release, the Jackson County Sheriff's Office said it was searching for 56-year-old Gerald Severson who was last seen Thursday night near the lake in western Klamath County. Severson is described as a white male, 5-feet-4-inches tall and 140 pounds, with gray hair and blue eyes. He was staying in a cabin on the east side of Lake of the Woods and left to search for mushrooms at about 7 p.m. Thursday. Search and rescue teams started searching for the man on Friday afternoon. Anyone with information on the whereabouts of Gerald Severson is encouraged to call 9-1-1 immediately. The area where he was last seen is populated and has multiple roadways. It's possible he could have been picked up. Authorities were very concerned for the safety of Severson and the searchers as weather in the area over the weekend was very poor.
Posted on 5/6/24 6:31AM by Sam Marsh
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Motorist Seriously Hurt after Driving Vintage Vehicle over Embankment in Hugo
A motorist was seriously injured at the beginning of the weekend when they drove a vintage vehicle over an embankment in the Hugo area. Rural Metro Fire Department and American Medical Response were dispatched to the single-vehicle accident on private property in the 1400-block of Three Pines Road on Friday at 5:54 p.m.. Rural Metro officials said arriving units found a 1948 Austin A40 pickup around 50 feet down an embankment and against a tree. Preliminary information indicates someone drove the vehicle out of a garage on the property before losing control. Officials said the unidentified driver sustained serious injuries and was extricated from the vintage truck, which was heavily damaged. The patient was transported to Three Rivers Medical Center. The Josephine County Sheriff's Office was investigating the cause of the mishap.
Posted on 5/6/24 6:29AM by Sam Marsh
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