Local News

OSP Jailed Suspect for 12 Crimes after He Fled from Grants Pass Traffic Stop
The Oregon State Police jailed a suspect on a total of 12 criminal charges after he fled from a traffic stop in east Grants Pass this week. OSP reports troopers eventually arrested 38-year-old Justin Reid Carr in the 2,000-block of NE Fairview Avenue on Monday morning. Troopers said they pulled over a silver Nissan pickup driven by Carr for traffic violations on Fairview and he fled the traffic stop on foot. They said he was subdued and the pickup was found to be stolen, with an undisclosed weapon in plain sight. Carr is a convicted felon prohibited from possessing any weapons. During a search of the stolen pickup, felony amounts of methamphetamine and fentanyl were found along with drug paraphernalia and packaging materials. They were seized as evidence and for eventual destruction. Carr was lodged at the Josephine County Jail for two counts of Unauthorized Use of a Motor Vehicle; Possession of a Stolen Vehicle; Manufacture, Possession and Delivery of Meth; Manufacture, Possession and Delivery of Fentanyl; Unlawful Possession of Marijuana; Attempting to Elude Police on Foot; and 2nd-Degree Criminal Mischief. Carr was being held without bail and the stolen vehicle was towed to a local impound yard.
Posted on 1/2/25 6:27AM by Sam Marsh

GP Police Arrested Motorist for Felony DUII at Baker Park Monday Afternoon
Grants Pass Police arrested a motorist for felony impaired driving and more this week during a dangerous incident at a city park. The Police Department reports an officer was assisting Grants Pass firefighters with blocking access to the lower parking lot at Baker Park due to flooding on Monday afternoon when the incident occurred. Police said a 1999 Mercury Cougar driven by 43-year-old Darren Louis Pierce accelerated at a high rate of speed past a firefighter into the lower parking lot. Upon contact with the driver, he displayed noticeable signs of impairment. Pierce reportedly refused to perform field sobriety tests and his driving status was determined to be suspended. After he refused to provide a breath sample, a search warrant was obtained and he was transported to Three Rivers Medical Center for a legal blood draw that documented a high level of impairment. Pierce was lodged at the Josephine County Jail for Felony Driving Under the Influence of Intoxicants, Reckless Driving and Driving While Suspended. His car was impounded. Jail records show he was also arrested for DUII on October 22nd.
Posted on 1/2/25 6:19AM by Sam Marsh

GP Police Arrested Woman for Trying Cash Stolen Check at Downtown Bank
Grants Pass Police arrested a woman for attempting to cash a stolen check at a downtown bank earlier this week. According to the Police Department, officers responded to a report of fraud at US Bank on SW 6th Street late Monday morning. Police said a bank manager called 9-1-1 to report a female subject later identified as "Holly Long" tried cashing a check that belonged to a man who had reported his checks stolen from the 1400-block of Fruitdale Drive. The victim told the bank his checks were stolen out of his mailbox and there have been ongoing issues with theft from mailboxes in his neighborhood. The victim was alerted by the bank, stated he did not know Long and that she did not have permission to cash the $650 check. She was contacted at the SE J Street campground, admitted to the crime and said she got the check from an unidentified man. Long was charged with Felony Identity Theft, but she was not lodged in jail. She was cited to appear in court and then released.
Posted on 1/2/25 6:17AM by Sam Marsh

Rural Metro Crews Rang in 2025 with 9 Emergency Calls in Response Area
Rural Metro Fire Department rang in the first day of 2025 by answering nine 9-1-1 calls for service across its response area. The calls ranged from various medical emergencies to a fire in Merlin caused by a candle left too close to a roll of paper towels to four separate motor vehicle accidents. Rural Metro officials said one of the auto accidents resulted in a vehicle landing vertically in a ditch after rolling on Williams Highway. The driver was able to self-extricate and denied any injuries. Meanwhile, Rural Metro reported 2024 ended with just over 2,800 emergencies handled by their firefighters and paramedics. Rural Metro embarks on its mission in the new year to be prepared and responsive to the needs of the community, no matter how big or small.
Posted on 1/2/25 6:16AM by Sam Marsh
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Mount Ashland Open Every Day Thru Monday with January 9th Twilight Start
It's Happy New Year -- Mount Ashland Style. Ring in 2025 with a day on Mount Ashland. The local resort is open every day through January 6th from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.. Twilight riding begins January 9th. The New Year brings with it new upgrades for Twilight and epic sunsets on the Siskiyou Summit. Explore their terrain at night with new LED lighting. Check out their operational calendar for Twilight days and times. You can purchase a Twilight Season Pass or lift ticket on their website "mtashland.com."
Posted on 1/2/25 6:15AM by Sam Marsh
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IV Soil and Water Conservation District Plans 2025 Sweet Cron Irrigation Project
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The Oregon Water Resources Commission awarded more than $535,000 to the Illinois Valley Soil & Water Conservation District and Trout Unlimited for the Sweet Cron Irrigation Modernization Project at their December meeting. The award was one of four water project grants to local organizations statewide totaling over $8.1 million to support water supply projects that result in economic, environmental and social/cultural public benefits. For the Sweet Cron Irrigation Modernization Project, the goal is to significantly improve irrigation efficiency by converting from flood and drip irrigation to center-pivot irrigation on 33.4 acres in Sauers Flat north of Kerby. This strategic upgrade is expected to enhance water distribution by 30-50%, benefiting agricultural production. The shift from flood irrigation will reduce water waste and ensure more precise watering, ultimately increasing crop yields and eliminating water quality impacts from return flows. This project will occur in a watershed identified by the Oregon Water Resources Commission and Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife as the highest priority need and opportunity for flow restoration which aligns with conservation efforts for native fish species.
Posted on 1/2/25 6:12AM by Sam Marsh
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Board Approved Updates to Administrative Policies and Procedures at End of 2024
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The Board of Commissioners approved a series of updates to Josephine County administrative policies and procedures during its last meeting of 2024. On Tuesday, the Board approved Order 2024-078 that updated Administrative Policy and Order 2024-079 that updated Personnel Policy. The Commissioners adjourned the short meeting and convened in the Courthouse Conference Room for a workshop, with most of the new Board in attendance. An item concerning the vacancy on the Board after the recall of former Board Chair John West was dropped from the agenda earlier in the day. The workshop lasted about an hour with no firm decisions made and the general consensus to let the new Board of Commissioners make those decisions this year. Incoming Commissioners Chris Barnett and Ron Smith are scheduled to be sworn into office on Monday. They will be charged with appointing a replacement to serve out the remaining two years of West's term.
Posted on 1/2/25 6:11AM by Sam Marsh
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Applications Still Being Accepted for Five Positions on GP Urban Tree Advisory Panel
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Applications are being accepted for five positions on the Grants Pass Urban Tree Advisory Committee due to expiring terms. These positions are two-year terms. The purpose of the committee is to review, develop and implement programs and activities that promote, protect and enhance the urban forest as part of the Tree City USA program. The special qualification for these positions is an interest in the promotion and enhancement of the urban forest in the City of Grants Pass. Applications are available at the City Administration Office at 101 NW A Street or online at "grantspassoregon.gov/committee-application." Completed applications must be received by 5 p.m. tomorrow, January 3rd. Applications will be reviewed by the committee on Monday, January 13th. The appointments will be made by the Grants Pass City Council on Wednesday, February 5th.
Posted on 1/2/25 6:09AM by Sam Marsh
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32-Year-Old Male Arrested for Menacing Domestic Violence in Front of a Child
A 32-year-old man is in the Josephine County Jail after being arrested Tuesday afternoon in the 100 block of Walker Road. 911 received a call at 3:16 p.m. stating the child was with the reporting caller with Mom after picking up the child. The Sheriff’s log then reflects a male screaming “help me.” Then states the male is on the hood of the white 4-Runner headed up Cloverlawn towards Grants Pass. By 3:41p.m. the log states the man was detained, and then arrested and lodged in the Josephine County Jail facing charges of menacing domestic violence in the presence of a child and criminal mischief II. He remained in custody Wednesday morning.
Posted on 1/1/25 6:45AM by Chuck Benson
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Deputies Jail Felon for Restraining Order Violation with OSP Help
Josephine County Deputies jailed a local felon for a restraining order violation with help from the Oregon State Police. Just before 10 Tuesday morning 911 received a call from the 2900 Block of Merlin Road because a suspect with whom a restraining order was in place had returned to a trailer on the property and had made threats to kill them if they informed law enforcement. The reporting parties were leaving because of the threats. At 10:34 a.m. the suspect, identified at Jeremy Kyle McFarland, 47, was reported to be detained, but not without significant effort. According to the Sheriff’s log McFarland attempted to flee and resisted attempts to restrain him. Deputies and Troopers took him to the ground and placed him in handcuffs. He continued to resist as he was placed into the patrol car and transported to the Josephine County Jail. He remained in custody Wednesday morning. The jail booking sheet listed no bail amount for the charges of Contempt of Court and a Post-Prison Supervision Sanction.
Posted on 1/1/25 5:54AM by Chuck Benson
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GP Fugitive Captured in Cambodia
A Grants Pass fugitive, wanted since 2019, has been captured in Cambodia due to the partnership of the Josephine County Sheriff’s office and the U.S. Marshals Service. Over the last several months, the Josephine County Sheriff’s Office Crimes Analyst has been working with the United States Marshals Service in an attempt to locate Shawn Higbee, who is facing the charge of Sodomy 1. It was discovered by the Sheriff’s office analyst that Higbee had fled to Cambodia and had been there for several years. Higbee’s exact location was pinpointed through the dedicated hard work, training and experience of the analyst. That information was relayed to the Marshal’s Service, who turned the information over to their international apprehension team.On December 17th, 2024, Higbee was taken into custody. Higbee is currently lodged in a Cambodian jail and is awaiting extradition back to the United States. Once in country, he will be transported to the Josephine County Jail to face further prosecution regarding the crime of Sodomy 1.

At the time of this press release, no further details are being released.
Posted on 1/1/25 5:27AM by Chuck Benson
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Free First Day Hike at Valley of the Rogue State Park begins at 11 a.m.
You are invited to celebrate the New Year with Oregon State Parks free first day hike at Valley of the Rogue State Park as they hike sections of the Greenway and River's Edge trails. The Hike, led by Rangers or volunteers, is slated to begin at 11 a.m. and hikers should meet at the Amphitheatre. This hike is classified as easy at 1.5 miles Park staff will arrive 15 minutes early and depart 5 minutes after the begin time after providing instructions and additional information. Dogs are welcome on 6-foot leashes. Children must be accompanied by an adult. America’s State Parks sponsors the First Day Hikes program nationwide to encourage everyone to start the year outside and connect with nature. The Oregon Parks and Recreation Department has participated since 2012. The Hike is free and the $5 day-use parking fee is waived today
Posted on 1/1/25 5:25AM by Chuck Benson
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