Local News

Paving Project on Oregon Highway 66 at South End of Ashland Set for Tonight
A one-night paving project is set for tonight on the south end of Ashland. Crews with the Oregon Department of Transportation will complete pavement repairs on Oregon Highway 66 between East Main Street and Dead Indian Memorial Road. ODOT crews will work at night to minimize traffic impacts. Work will begin at approximately 8 p.m. and continue until approximately 4 a.m. Saturday. Flaggers and a pilot car will provide traffic control in one lane. Some construction noise may be heard in the adjacent neighborhoods. ODOT appreciates residents' patience as they complete this important work. For updates on road conditions throughout Oregon, visit "tripcheck.com."
Posted on 9/13/24 6:18AM by Sam Marsh

Fourth Mosquito Pool Tests Positive for West Nile Virus in Jackson County near Phoenix
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West Nile Virus has been detected in a mosquito pool collected this week in south Phoenix. It marks the 4th West Nile Virus-positive mosquito pool found in Jackson County this year. August and September are considered peak months for West Nile Virus activity. The mosquitoes are collected by the Jackson County Vector Control District as part of a routine surveillance program. Residents are advised to take basic precautions against mosquitoes since West Nile Virus is spread to humans through the bites of infected mosquitoes. People should consult their health care providers if they experience any flu-like symptoms -- especially in people over 50 years of age with underlying medical conditions. Health care providers can contact Jackson County Public Health for information on West Nile Virus testing. The virus also affects wildlife and domesticated and farm animals. Horse owners should get their horses vaccinated for West Nile Virus. The Jackson County Vector Control District suggests taking steps to protect against mosquitoes. Eliminate or treat any sources of standing water around your home. Avoid outdoor activities at dawn or dusk when mosquitoes are most active. Wear long-sleeved shirts and pants when outdoors. Ensure that screen doors and windows are in good condition and fit tightly. Use repellants containing DEET, oil of lemon or eucalyptus, or Picardin.
Posted on 9/13/24 6:16AM by Sam Marsh

Lower Rogue Restrictions Decreased & RR-Siskiyou Forest Reduces Fire Danger Level
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Due to an extended weather forecast that anticipates above-normal precipitation and below-normal temperatures, federal and state agencies have elected to decrease campfire restrictions on the Wild and Scenic section of the Rogue River. The Wild Section of the Rogue flows from Grave Creek to the mouth of Watson Creek. Effective immediately, building, maintaining or using a fire, campfire or stove fire is prohibited, with the exception of commercially-produced pressurized liquid gas stoves. Charcoal briquettes are allowed within a raised fire pan below the high-water mark from Marial downstream to the mouth of Watson Creek. All ashes must be carried out. Smoking is only permitted while on watercraft on waterways or in areas that are on vegetation-free sand and gravel bars located between the river and ordinary high-water mark. These restrictions will be in place through November 30th unless rescinded sooner. In addition, the Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest has moved to "moderate" fire danger, with a reduction to Stage 2 Public Use Restrictions and a move to Industrial Fire Precaution Level 1. Stage 2 restrictions prohibit campfires with solid fuels except in fire rings or fireplaces of certain recreation sites.
Posted on 9/13/24 6:13AM by Sam Marsh

Cultural Trust Awards Record $3.85 Million to Oregon Cultural Organizations for FY 2025
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An increase in Fiscal Year 2024 donations and an Oregon Cultural Trust budget allocation revision has resulted in an increase of close to $1 million in Fiscal Year 2025 grant awards, with an all-time high of $3.85 million awarded to 148 Oregon cultural organizations. Generous Oregonians increased their donations to the Cultural Trust by more than $300,000 in Fiscal Year 2024. Locally, Fiscal Year 2025 County Cultural Coalition grant allocations are $38,369 for Jackson County and $20,409 for Josephine County. In addition, more than $1.9 million in competitive Cultural Development Program grants were awarded to 98 cultural nonprofits serving most geographical regions of the state. The big winners in Southern Oregon included the Oregon Shakespeare Festival in Ashland, Southern Oregon University in Ashland, Peter Britt Gardens Arts and Music Festival Association in Jacksonville, Oregon Center for Creative Learning in Medford, Southern Oregon Historical Society in Medford and Ashland Parks Foundation. Several other local nonprofits also received funding.
Posted on 9/13/24 6:11AM by Sam Marsh
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Deputies Jailed Man for Threatening Family Members at Fish Hatchery Residence
The Josephine County Sheriff's Office jailed a man for threatening his family at a property in the Fish Hatchery area last night. The Sheriff's Office reports deputies responded to a domestic disturbance in the 2600-block of Fish Hatchery Road on Wednesday around 7 p.m.. Deputies said a woman called 9-1-1 and reported her husband's 57-year-old son was threatening to burn down their house while killing them and a granddaughter. She said the son came home from work drunk and raging. He reportedly lives in an RV on the property and has numerous firearms. According to the report, the suspect told the granddaughter that if they called the police on him and he went to jail, when he got out he would kill them all. He also yelled about burning down the house and having a sharp knife. Upon arrival, deputies located the suspect in a shop building near the RV and they placed him into custody. He was lodged at the Josephine County Jail for Menacing and was being held without bail.
Posted on 9/12/24 11:40AM by Sam Marsh
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Deputies Snared CJ Woman for Violating Court Order by Slashing Mother's Tires
The Josephine County Sheriff's Office jailed a Cave Junction woman for violating a court order by slashing the tires on her mother's vehicle at least one time. According to the Sheriff's Office, deputies responded to a domestic disturbance at a home in the 100-block of South Kerby Avenue on Wednesday at about 10:30 a.m.. Deputies said a woman called 9-1-1 to report her 27-year-old daughter slashed two tires on her vehicle and that she had just gotten them repaired from a previous tire-slashing incident. The caller stated that she had valid restraining order protecting her from her daughter. The victim reported the first incident occurred last Saturday afternoon. She said she heard her dogs barking and a neighbor saw a female subject walking away from her vehicle after the subject had slashed two tires. Damage was $143 per tire. Deputies searched the area and located the daughter near the Cave Junction Post Office. She admitted to cutting her mother's tires on Saturday, but not this week. She realized she violated the court order and knew her actions were wrong. The suspect was placed into custody, transported to Grants Pass and booked into the Josephine County Jail for 2nd-Degree Criminal Mischief and Contempt of Court-Restraining Order Violation. She was being held without bail.
Posted on 9/12/24 11:39AM by Sam Marsh
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GP Police Jailed Man for Causing Violent Disruption at Designated Campground
Grants Pass jailed a man for several crimes after he caused a violent disruption at one of the city's designated campgrounds last night. The Police Department reports officers arrested a 41-year-old male subject they identified as "David Brian Rich" at the campground at the corner of 6th and A streets on Wednesday at 9:26 p.m.. Police said Rich was highly intoxicated and reported subjects assaulted him at the camp. He stated the suspects were no longer there and he had no injuries. He was directed to return to his tent and stop drinking alcohol, but he instead decided to walk over to some other subjects and start a verbal altercation. During Rich's display of violent and tumultuous behavior, he was told he was under arrest. However, he refused to follow orders and began to advance on officers while showing pre-assault indicators. He got into a physical altercation with officers and actively resisted before he was taken to the ground and subdued. Rich was lodged at the Josephine County Jail for Attempted Assault on a Public Safety Officer, Resisting Arrest, Menacing, Disorderly Conduct and Criminal Trespass. He was being held in lieu of posting $15,000 bail.
Posted on 9/12/24 11:37AM by Sam Marsh
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GP Police Nabbed Man for DUII after Family Member Witnessed Him Crashing
Grants Pass Police arrested a man for impaired driving last night after a family member witnessed him back into a neighbor's vehicle and called it in. According to the Police Department, officers responded to the reported incident on NW Lynnwood Place on Wednesday around 9:30 p.m.. Police said a family member reported that her 40-year-old father had been drinking and was "really drunk" when he backed his Ford F-250 pickup into his neighbor's Ford F-150 pickup, causing minor damage. The suspect went into his house to sleep after admitting to his neighbor that he crashed into the neighbor's truck. Upon contact with the suspect, officers said he showed significant indicators of impairment -- but he told them he had no alcohol for several hours. He refused to participate in field sobriety tests and became hostile while being placed into custody, so officers obtained a search warrant and took him to Three Rivers Medical Center for a legal blood draw that documented strong impairment. The suspect was lodged at the Josephine County Jail for Driving Under the Influence of Intoxicants. He was also cited to appear in court for a Breath Test Refusal.
Posted on 9/12/24 11:36AM by Sam Marsh
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GP Police Arrested Three Men for Loitering at Former Rogue Cleaners Property
Grants Pass Police arrested three men for hanging out at a former laundry business in the downtown area yesterday. The Police Department reports the first incident occurred at 2:37 p.m. Wednesday when they responded to a trespassing complaint at the former Rogue Cleaners on SE G Street. Police said the owner of the property reported seeing two men camping there and both had been previously trespassed from the premises. Officers responded and arrested the 53-year-old and 42-year-old men, lodging them in jail for 2nd-Degree Criminal Trespass. The second incident happened at 4:06 p.m. Wednesday when officers responded to another trespassing complaint on the same property. This time, the owner reported seeing transients smoking something out of a pipe in front of the old laundromat. Responding officers contacted a 44-year-old man whom they identified as "Donn Reeves Fincher" and discovered that he was wanted on a Grants Pass warrant for failing to appear in court for 2nd-Degree Theft and Methamphetamine Possession. Fincher was placed into custody and lodged in jail on the outstanding warrant.
Posted on 9/12/24 11:35AM by Sam Marsh
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GP Police Posted 60 Campsites for Unlawful Camping at SE J Street Campground
For the first time since two new campsites were designated in Grants Pass, police officers moved in to post trespass warnings on Wednesday. According to rules approved by the Grants Pass City Council, campers are allowed to stay seven days at the campsites on SE J Street and 6th & A streets, with a three-day warning before they are cited. During a check of the J Street Camp yesterday, officers posted 60 campsites with a 72-hour warning. Those campers must move to the 6th & A Camp by this weekend or they will be cited. City Council members have expressed concerns that the 6th & A site might not be large enough to accommodate that many campers. Meanwhile at the J Street Camp, one man was cited for violating campsite rules which led to a 30-day exclusion. A man and three women were cited for Improper Utilization of Space. A woman was cited for Scattering Rubbish.
Posted on 9/12/24 11:33AM by Sam Marsh
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Lower Rogue Restrictions Decreased & Local Forest Reduces Fire Danger Level
Due to an extended weather forecast that anticipates above-normal precipitation and below-normal temperatures, federal and state agencies have elected to decrease campfire restrictions on the Wild and Scenic section of the Rogue River. The Wild Section of the Rogue flows from Grave Creek to the mouth of Watson Creek. Effective immediately, building, maintaining or using a fire, campfire or stove fire is prohibited, with the exception of commercially-produced pressurized liquid gas stoves. Charcoal briquettes are allowed within a raised fire pan below the high-water mark from Marial downstream to the mouth of Watson Creek. All ashes must be carried out. Smoking is only permitted while on watercraft on waterways or in areas that are on vegetation-free sand and gravel bars located between the river and ordinary high-water mark. These restrictions will be in place through November 30th unless rescinded sooner. In addition, the Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest has moved to "moderate" fire danger, with a reduction to Stage 2 Public Use Restrictions and a move to Industrial Fire Precaution Level 1. Stage 2 restrictions prohibit campfires with solid fuels except in fire rings or fireplaces of certain recreation sites. Portable lanterns, stoves or campfires solely fueled by gas, jellied petroleum or pressurized liquid fuel are allowed.
Posted on 9/12/24 11:32AM by Sam Marsh
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LMS Motorsports Building Heavily Damaged by Two-Alarm Structure Fire Today
Firefighters battled a structure fire that heavily damaged a local motor sports building on Rogue River Highway early this morning. Shortly after midnight today, Grants Pass Fire & Rescue and Rural Metro Fire Department were dispatched to the fire at LMS Motorsports in the 800-block of Highway 99. Grants Pass Engine 7308 was returning to the station after clearing another call and was on scene within 60 seconds with three personnel. Due to the amount of fire on arrival, a second alarm was sounded to bring in additional resources. A hose line that flows 260 gallons of water per minute was deployed for an aggressive attack. Grants Pass Battalion 4 was able to gain entry into the main shop through the rollup doors with a circular saw, deploying additional hose lines. The fire was knocked down and under control in 50 minutes and contained to the building of origin. Crews remained on scene for overhaul for several more hours. During the height of the fire, both Rogue River Highway and Fruitdale Drive were closed to through traffic. Officials said the cause of the fire was under investigation.
Posted on 9/12/24 6:47AM by Sam Marsh
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