Local News

OSP Nabbed Motorist for Impaired Driving after Weekend Stop in Grants Pass
The Oregon State Police arrested a motorist for impaired driving during a weekend traffic stop in southeast Grants Pass. According to OSP, troopers pulled over a vehicle driven by a 22-year-old male subject near the corner of Cloverlawn and Fruitdale drives on Saturday at about 10:30 p.m.. Troopers said they stopped the vehicle for doing 66 miles per hour in a 30 mile per hour speed zone. They said the driver displayed signs of impairment, performed poorly in field sobriety tests and was taken to the Grants Pass Sobering Center where he provided a breath sample that well over twice the legal driving limit. The suspect was charged with Driving Under the Influence of Intoxicants and Reckless Driving. He was cited to appear in court and released, but his vehicle was impounded.
Posted on 11/25/24 10:35AM by Sam Marsh

GP Police Snared Man for Stealing Small Amount of Home Depot Merchandise
Grants Pass Police arrested a man for stealing a small amount of merchandise from Home Depot late last week. According to the Police Department, officers responded to a shoplifting complaint at the store on NE Mill Street on Friday afternoon. Police said 34-year-old Jonathon Thomas Bodouroglou concealed $20 worth of items in his clothing, passed all points of sale and failed to pay for the items. He was stopped by loss prevention and escorted to an office where he proceeded to argue with them. He was wearing a necklace with a knife hanging from it. Because of his uncooperative nature, Bodouroglou was lodged at the Josephine County Jail for 3rd-Degree Theft and was being held without bail. He was also trespassed from Home Depot. His knife and backpack were seized for safekeeping.
Posted on 11/25/24 10:34AM by Sam Marsh

GP Police Arrested Woman for Stealing Walmart Merchandise over Weekend
Grants Pass Police arrested a woman for stealing a large amount of merchandise from Walmart over the weekend. The Police Department reports officers were alerted to a shoplifting call at the big box retailer on NE Terry Lane on Saturday around 4:30 p.m.. Police said 46-year-old Freedom Clayburn-Walker concealed more than $333 worth of items in a bag at Walmart and proceeded to pass all points of sale without paying. She was stopped by loss prevention, cooperated with the investigation and all the stolen items were returned. Because Clayburn-Walker was cooperative in nature, she was cited to appear in court for 2nd-Degree Theft and then released. She was trespassed from Walmart.
Posted on 11/25/24 10:32AM by Sam Marsh

GP Police & Firefighters Protected and Served Community during Wet Week
Grants Pass police officers and firefighters kept their vow to protect and serve this community during a very wet week. According to the Weekly Report filed by Grants Pass City Manager Aaron Cubic, police officers responded to a total 512 calls for service along with 272 officer-initiated calls last week that resulted in 46 arrests, 33 citations, 41 warnings and five highly-intoxicated people being lodged at the Sobering Center. Cubic also reported that officers conducted a total of 61 traffic stops in the city and they made 29 referrals to the Oregon Department of Human Services. The GPPD Community Response Team (CRT) made contact with 25 potential troublemakers while arresting one person and warning six others. Grants Pass firefighters responded to a total of 108 calls last week including 48 for emergency medical service, three for reports of fire or smoke, 17 lift assists, 17 rescue situations, 10 assists to other agencies and six false alarms. Firefighters also performed 10 business inspections, led three public education/prevention programs and assisted the public 10 times. The Grants Pass 9-1-1 Communications Center fielded a total of 1,048 emergency calls. They're hiring. Click the link for "Jobs" at "grantspassoregon.gov."
Posted on 11/25/24 5:59AM by Sam Marsh
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OSP Arrested Man for Felony Murder & Weapon Crimes in Josephine County
The Oregon State Police arrested a man for felony murder and weapon crimes over the weekend. OSP reports troopers arrested 29-year-old Keandre Demetrius Blanding Saturday morning. No information about the arrest was disclosed, but Blanding was lodged at the Josephine County Jail at 5:40 a.m. Saturday. He was charged with Felony 2nd-Degree Murder and Felony Unlawful Use of a Weapon. Unconfirmed sources report the victim was a Texas man and the incident occurred on Placer Road in Sunny Valley. Blanding was being held without bail and was scheduled for arraignment in Josephine County Circuit Court at 1:30 p.m. today.
Posted on 11/25/24 5:57AM by Sam Marsh
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GP Police Incarcerated Man for Violent Behavior at WinCo Foods and Jail
Grants Pass Police jailed a man for his violent weekend behavior both at a local supermarket and at the Josephine County Jail. The Police Department reports officers arrested 34-year-old Jeffrey Keith Whitspeare at WinCo Foods on NE Terry Lane on Saturday shortly after 5 p.m.. Police said a WinCo manager called 9-1-1 to report an intoxicated Whitspeare was inside the store making threats and refusing to leave. They said he was detained by loss prevention and began to resist control holds, so restraints had to be used. He tried to kick officers and made threats to kill them and rape their children. According to the report, Whitspeare was transported to the jail facility where he was placed in a restraint chair because he continued to threaten to kill police. Jeffrey Whitspeare was eventually booked into jail on charges of Resisting Arrest, Disorderly Conduct and Criminal Trespass. He was being held without bail.
Posted on 11/25/24 5:54AM by Sam Marsh
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GP Police Arrested Felon for Mischievous Behavior at Downtown Work Site
Grants Pass Police arrested a felon for his mischievous behavior at a downtown work site late last week. According to the Police Department, officers were alerted to a trespassing call at People's Bank on SE 7th Street on Friday morning. Police said they received a call from a contractor who was installing an HVAC system at the bank that a male transient kept disconnecting their power. Officers arrived on scene and contacted 44-year-old Nicholas John Knox Knowles whom they confirmed was cutting off electricity, causing inconvenience to the contractor and employees. Knowles reportedly admitted to pulling a lever multiple times and seeing sparks come out of the conduit box. Knowles was placed into custody and lodged at the Josephine County Jail for 3rd-Degree Criminal Mischief and the resulting Felony Parole Violation. He was being held on a no-bail detainer. Jail records show Knowles has been arrested for Parole Violation seven times since last December.
Posted on 11/25/24 5:53AM by Sam Marsh
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One Person Injured in Friday AM Motor Vehicle Accident near Cave Junction
One person was injured in a motor vehicle accident near Cave Junction late last week. The Illinois Valley Fire District and American Medical Response were dispatched to the single-vehicle crash at the intersection of Holland Loop and Hays Cutoff roads on Friday morning. IVFD officials said a vehicle veered off the road and collided with a wire fence, causing minor damage to the fence and a power pole. One occupant of the vehicle was transported by ambulance to a local medical facility while the other occupants left the scene in the still-drivable vehicle. The Josephine County Sheriff's Office was investigating the cause of the wreck.
Posted on 11/25/24 5:48AM by Sam Marsh
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Rogue Community College Enrollment Surge Continues, Outpacing State Average
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On November 15th, the Oregon Higher Education Coordinating Commission (HECC) reported significant growth in overall student headcount and full-time equivalent (FTE) enrollment. Rogue Community College is also celebrating this upward trend, with promising increases in its own enrollment figures. RCC has seen more than a 14% increase in FTE enrollment for the 2024 fall term compared to the same period last year alongside a nearly 10% increase in students. Leadership at the local community college said this upward trajectory reflects RCC's commitment to creating pathways to success for its students, and it aligns with the state and national trend of rising enrollment in community colleges. RCC President Randy Weber said the enrollment gains are a testament to the dedication of their faculty and staff who have embraced strategic initiatives to stabilize enrollment, improve student success and strengthen partnerships in the Southern Oregon community. RCC's growth over the past three years has consistently outpaced the state average. The school's 30.7% increase in fall headcount from 3,973 in 2021 to 5,197 in 2024, and 47% increase in FTE from 887.7 to 1,276.6 are more than triple the state averages.
Posted on 11/25/24 5:39AM by Sam Marsh
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Josephine County Honored by National Finance Officers with Award for Budgeting
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Josephine County has been recognized by a national association for its current budget. The Government Finance Officers Association announced last week that the county earned the association's Distinguished Budget Presentation Award for its spending plan for July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2025. According to the GFOA, the award "reflects the commitment of the governing body and staff to meeting the highest principles of governmental budgeting." To receive the award, Josephine County had to satisfy nationally recognized guidelines for effective budget presentation. These guidelines assess how well the budget serves as a policy document, financial plan, communications device and operations guide. Josephine County Finance Department Director Sandy Novak said she is honored "to work with such a highly-skilled and professional team that consistently performs at a level that serves to ensure compliance with strong internal controls and effective reporting." She mentioned Assistant Finance Director Ruth Nelson and Accountant Trevin Mikels by name.
Posted on 11/25/24 5:36AM by Sam Marsh
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EP National Cemetery to Continue as Location for "Wreaths Across America" Day
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National nonprofit Wreaths Across America has announced that Eagle Point National Cemetery has once again joined the mission to "Remember, Honor and Teach" as an official location for 2024. This is the 15th year that the local military cemetery will participate in the national program. Wreaths Across America started as a simple gesture of thanks that has grown into a national, year-long movement of dedicated volunteers and communities coming together to not only remember the nation's fallen and honor their service, but to teach the next generation about the value of freedom. This year, there will be more than 4,500 participating locations placing veterans' wreaths on National Wreaths Across America Day -- Saturday, December 14th -- with more than three million volunteers. Those interested in volunteering for Wreaths Across America or sponsoring a wreath for interred veterans at Eagle Point National Cemetery are invited to visit
"WreathsAcrossAmerica.org/OREPNE" to learn more.
Posted on 11/25/24 5:34AM by Sam Marsh
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Deputies Captured Man on State Warrant after He Crashed Vehicle West of GP
The Josephine County Sheriff's Office captured a man wanted on a statewide felony warrant while investigating a motor vehicle accident in the Fort Vannoy area that sheared off a power pole and cut off electricity to nearby properties. On Thursday at 4:32 p.m., the Sheriff's Office, Rural Metro Fire Department and American Medical Response were dispatched to the single-vehicle crash in the 3200-block of Lower River Road. Deputies said a Mercedes driven by 39-year-old Randy Quinton Araque went off the roadway and sheared off a power pole, dropping electrical lines across the road and cutting off electricity to local residents. Crews shut down the road to prevent other motorists from running into the lines that remained energized. No one was injured, but another vehicle swerved onto the shoulder to avoid the downed lines. According to the report, Araque got out of his vehicle, went up a private driveway and then starting walking toward Grants Pass. He was contacted by deputies and found to be wanted on an Oregon State warrant for Parole Violation stemming from a past conviction for 3rd-Degree Assault. He was arrested without incident. Araque was lodged at the Josephine County Jail on a no-bail detainer. Additional charges were pending further investigation by the Sheriff's Office. A road closure between 3290 and 3294 Lower River Road was lengthy as Pacific Power crews worked to make repairs and restore electricity to affected properties.
Posted on 11/22/24 11:17AM by Sam Marsh
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